
the sun, the moon, and blood of stars | unravel the dusk by elizabeth lim (caffeine book tours)

by - 6:00 AM

"The thread may be long, stretching over mountains and rivers, and it may be years before you find its end. But you'll know when you meet the right one."

isbn: 978-0525647027 | pages: 368
publication date: July 7, 2020 | source: e-arc
genre: young adult, fantasy

another magical adventure
This is the thrilling sequel to Spin the Dawn which was one of my favorite novels of 2019 and I was more than ready to dive back into Elizabeth Lim's beautifully descriptive writing as well as reunite with characters that I adore. Unravel the Dusk has the same high-stakes adventure that its predecessor has which kept me addicted and breathless the entire time through. There were moments where I had to stop because I was just worried about the characters - it truly made me realize how much I adored everyone.

As with the first novel, Unravel the Dusk is also broken into three parts and it's one of my personal favorite touches. Each part feels like a complete mini-story arc that blend seamlessly together for the larger novel. The development of the plot and characters was a gradual process but with each climactic moment, all the pieces fell into place.

"They’re like lotuses blooming in the sky, made of fire and light."

"I know that for every dawn, dusk must unravel its darkness."

for family and honor
One of my favorite aspects of this novel is the portrayal of friend and familial relationships. Like I mentioned before, I adore these characters and even the ones I didn't love hold a special place in my heart. Maia and Edan have made it onto my top fictional couples - despite their occasional disagreements, they're so supportive of each other and I was honestly so happy every time we got a scene with the two of them. Of course, I also adore Maia's relationship with her Baba and Keaton. Despite his age, her Baba still has a bit of sass that is honestly the best. There is also a particular scene with her family that just caused all the internal waterworks - I just love them all. 

I also loved the friendship that developed between Maia and Ammi - we definitely need more amazing female friendships in YA and this is a great example! Another relationship that I was surprised by how much I loved was between Maia and Lady Sarai. Both are incredibly strong in their own way and while I wouldn't say they're friends, they have such a strong sense of duty and honor that their respect for each other was such a wonderful addition to the story. Lady Sarai definitely comes through and the exploration and development of her character are simply 👌👌.

"They say the belly has a better memory than the heart, and I must agree. Let us yet. One cannot unravel a demon’s curse on an empty stomach." (some wise words we all need)

the difficult sacrifices
I don't want to spend too much time on this because of spoilers, but this is another theme from the first book that carries over into the sequel. Maia's love for her family and country fuel her actions throughout the novel. Her character grows so much as she makes incredibly difficult decisions and struggles with losing herself in the process - she's a wonderful example where strength isn't limited to physical prowess but the dedication and fervor of one's heart.

Essentially, I adored this sequel and it definitely lived up to my expectations. 💕 💕


I have the amazing opportunity to be working with Caffeine Book Tours as part of their #UnravelTheDusk blog tour! There are so many amazing posts by a ton of amazing people, be sure to check out the rest of all the stops on the schedule!
Click the picture to be taken the Twitter thread with all the tour post links!

A B O U T   T H E   A U T H O R

Elizabeth Lim grew up on a hearty staple of fairy tales, myths, and songs. Her passion for storytelling began around age 10, when she started fanfics for Sailor Moon, Sweet Valley, and Star Wars, and posted them online to discover, "Wow, people actually read my stuff. And that's kinda cool!" But after one of her teachers told her she had "too much voice" in her essays, Elizabeth took a break from creative writing to focus on not flunking English.
Over the years, Elizabeth became a film and video game composer, and even went so far as to get a doctorate in music composition. But she always missed writing, and turned to penning stories when she needed a breather from grad school. One day, she decided to write and finish a novel - for kicks, at first, then things became serious - and she hasn't looked back since.
Elizabeth loves classic film scores, books with a good romance, food (she currently has a soft spot for arepas and Ethiopian food), the color turquoise, overcast skies, English muffins, cycling, and baking. She lives in New York City with her husband.

W E B S I T E | G O O D R E A D S | F A C E B O O K

I N S T A G R A M | T W I T T E R


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(images from pexels and unsplash)

mountains // temple // lanterns // moon

I also get to share some of my favorite quotes from the book and while I've incorporated most of them into the review, I wanted to make a little graphic for my personal favorite one 

original image

Thanks for stopping by and letting me share my thoughts on this AMAZING sequel! Unravel the Dusk officially releases on July 7th so be sure to check out the purchase links above as well as the other fun tour stops!!

Have you read Unravel the Dusk or Spin the Dawn? Who's your favorite character?

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Image by coolvector on Freepik